Saturday, June 23, 2007

Some Adelina Patti ghost stories

I make no apologies for adding these ghost stories to my history of Craig-y-nos as a TB sanatorium for children because the aura of Patti was with us every day we were there. She was an invisible, benign presence.

The child soloist
Eleven year old Anne Davies was a patient in Craig-y-nos in 1928 . She loved to sing and she had a good voice. She was in the choir.
In those days the children gave concerts for the parents and staff.

On this occasion she was also standing in for the soloist. On the night of the concert the girl who should have sang was suddenly taken ill and Anne had to step into the role.

She was standing in the wings feeling very nervous when she became aware of somebody standing alongside her.
She turned and saw this woman in a Victorian dress with her hair in a bun and a bustle at her back.
The woman said:”You will be all right.”
She kept telling her this, offering words of encouragement and Anne stepped forward and sang as she had never sung before.
She went back to thank the woman but she had disappeared.

(Source of story: Haydn Harris, ex -patient).

Haydn adds:”Anne used to belong to the same Writers Circle that I did in Swansea. She was 83.
We urged her to write it down as a short story, to make it a bit more dramatic. But she refused. She would say:”That is how it happened. That is my story. it is true.”

The clock tower

Doug Phillips was employed as a maintenance engineer at Craig-y-nos and he was the least likely person to experience anything out of the ordinary but he did on one occasion.

He went up into the clock tower to wind the clock up and he became aware of a presence behind him . He looked down at the floor and he saw these scalloped edge of a dress and as he raised his eyes up the figure disappeared.

(Source : Cynthia Mullan of The Sleeping Giant Foundation )

Victorian Ladies
"I looked out of the window one summer evening and saw three ladies dressed in Victorian clothes with big bustles walking in the grounds. It didn't bother me. I just went back to sleep," said Gaynor Jones ( nee Morgan) who was a 5 year old patient in Craig-y-nos at the time.

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